14th November 2023: Len Rawle MBE
This is a very sad day for the Empire Wurlitzer, as we learnt of the sudden passing of its former owner - Len Rawle MBE. Len rescued this fine instrument and installed in it his home in Chorleywood, where he enjoyed its splendid tones for over 50 years.
Len was closely associated with the Empire Wurlitzer project and recently visited the workshops to see the progress being made on its restoration.
The present owner of this fine instrument is keen to acknowledge Len’s involvement with the project and that the Empire Wurlitzer itself should be a lasting tribute the memory of Len Rawle MBE.
The whole team wishes to send our sincere condolences, love and sympathy to Judith and the rest of Len’s family at this very sad time.
May he rest in peace.
Len with stop rail

This page will be updated as the project progresses.

You can also follow progress on the Empire Wurlitzer Facebook page.

Empire Leicester Square Wurlitzer console
Empire Leicester Square Wurlitzer console
Len Rawle Residence, Chorleywood (Photographer unknown)
Len Rawle Residence, Chorleywood (Photographer unknown)
The Empire console is partially dismantled.
(Photo: Declan Poole)
The Empire console is partially dismantled. (Photo: Declan Poole)